Are you preparing a Family Day?

Are you looking for a suitable program for children, which would attract their attention and would be a beautiful unforgettable experience to remember?

A unique Bubble Show for children is exactly what are you looking for.
It will create a magical atmosphere that both children and adults would be literally excited about.

Pavel Roller, the popular Bubble Artist and Clown is offering the program for children already for several years. He is raising a children’s laugh and creating a surprise in their faces. Children are actively involved in the program.
Pavel has a rich experience with children. He performs with his Clown Bubble Show at the children’s days, carnivals, at the kindergartens and schools, at the birthday parties, Christmas parties, city celebrations and also at the children’s holiday camps.

Pavel not only will close children to the giant bubble during the fantastic Bubble Show but will show many interesting bubble magics and tricks, that are unique in the Czech Republic.
Our Bubble Show program can be used both indoors and outdoors.
A Little Bubble Workshop can be added to the program as its extension.



The shows are usually 30 - 60 minutes in length, it is possible to rerun them up to three times per day.


Clown Bublino - Magic with Bubbles - 30 minutes  

The basic Bubble Show program consists of the bubble tricks presentations. For instance: bubble in the bubble, bubble cube, carousal, bubble tennis, bubble volcano, caterpillar, smoke bubbles, burning bubbles, bubble snakes, waterfalls…and we will finish with the selection of several lucky kids that will be closed inside of the giant bubble. We are using the special stage properties that are creating hundreds of bubbles of different sizes and shapes within few seconds in case there is windy weather during the outdoor events.


Clown Bublíno - Bubble Show ‘Bublináda’ - 60 minutes

The basic bubble show program is 30 minutes in length + 30 minutes of the little bubble workshop.
The Little Bubble Workshop
Clown Bublíno will teach children and their parents some of his bubble tricks during the Little Bubble Workshop. For instance: bubble dance, bubbles in the bubble, bubble tennis.
Children will also have a chance to use our great bubble mixture and with the help of different bubble sticks and loops will try the creation of small and big bubbles.


Order our Bubble Show and we will lighten eyes of your children.

Don’t hesitate to contact us

Phone: +420 775 201 007

We will prepare the price directly for you and we will send it to your email address.

We offer our bubble shows around the whole Czech and Slovak Republics

Performance for parents with children
Theatrical performances
Public festivities
Children's dayChildren's day in the park
Bubble show in the square
Outdoor public performance
Children's day on the field
Bubble Show

© 2025 Pavel Roller - Všechna práva vyhrazena. Jakékoli publikování nebo další šíření obsahu internetových stránek bez souhlasu autora není povoleno!

Pavel Roller, Tel.: +420 775 201 007

English translation by Lucie Maruniakova

Design by Michal Pospíšil - Helium WebDesign © 2015